.-----------------------------------------------. | BenG rambles on and on and on, oh ya know... | `-----------------------------------------------' First of apologies for the lateness of this issue but for the last 2 weeks I've been on jury service and what fun it was. Anyhow its over now and so here is the latest issue of the infamous Miggybyte. So at the time of writing there is still no word on the VisCORP buy-out of Amiga Tech, which is a shame as every day more and more support for the Amiga is being dropped. For example Game one of the biggest sellers of Amiga software on the high street in the UK are now beginning to scale down there Amiga stock and are taking on less and less new titles. The same is happening with HMV and Virgin, so soon all we will be left with is mail order companies. So if your out there VisCORP its about time you started talking to stockist etc or your find when you eventually buy the Amiga your find no one will want to stock it! On a more cheerful note there do seem to be many new software titles on the near horizon two that have grabbed my balls are, Jet Pilot and Hell Pigs. Both being produced by Vulcan software, Jet Pilot is looking to be the new king of flight sims and Hell Pigs seems like its going to be the first multi CD-ROM game for the Amiga. Yes Hell Pigs is to come on 2 CD's!!!! But you Amiga owners without CD-ROMS won't be left out as there will also be a floppy version. But me thinks if you don't have a CD-ROM yet it will be worth you while to go and buy one. Chaos Engine 2 - Yes its finally going to appear in time for Xmas if all goes well. Bitmap Brothers are back for one more mad cap romp, but where is Speed Ball 3 huh? Rumours of a new Amiga being sold in Taiwan for around $200!!!! I'll get more news on this when I can. Phase 5 - are selling Mac accelerators?!?!?! Is this the future for the Amigas best accelerator manufacturers? Pios - Have set up a deal to sell the BeBox in Germany. Demon Internet - Finaly Demon are taking note of the Amiga and are in the process of setting up a FULL AMINET MIRRROR!!! MYST - Yes it might realy be converted to the Amiga, after a fake demo was uploaded onto AmiNet the producers of Myst are considering an Amiga release. So it looks like things at the moment have gone from bad to worst and unless VisCORP get out their and talk to the Amiga users, developers and stockists its gonna be too late. Well that's my rambling over for this issue so see ya in the Xmas issue. Ben Gaunt (email: ben.gaunt@pickled.demon.co.uk) Official Miggybyte home page is at http://www.pickled.demon.co.uk END ===